Baro Archive – Eternal Ranking 2000-2018

For nearly two decades the Speeds in Speedskydiving competition were calculated using barometric pressure. This was the pioneering era of Speed skydiving which saw it grow from the first competitions to being accepted into the ISC (FAI International Skydiving Commission) as an official competition discipline and we owe a huge dept of gratitude to LB Altimeters:

The ISSA want to thank L&B Altimeters, and especially Mads Larsen, for the huge support L&B gave to Speedskydiving for more then 18 years. THANK YOU !!! Without your support and your top class devices (Protrack and Protrack II) the development of Speedskydiving to the stage we are at now would not have been possible

In 2019 the measurements in Speed skydiving changed from Barometric to GPS. It was found that at the higher speeds being attained more often by competitors that a greater number of results were inaccurate. The barometric devices were affected too much by the airflow around the competitors body at higher speeds.

Through extensive research and testing supported by FAI Skydiving Commission (ISC), Flysight GPS and a few of the speed community (Competitors, judges and organisers) we found that GPS measurement was reliable and accurate enough for the ISC to accept it as a means of Speed measurement and this started a new era of Speed Skydiving. Here is the retired eternal ranking from the Barometric measurement era of Speed skydiving:

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