Speed Skydiving Eternal Ranking (GPS)

In 2019 the measurements in Speed skydiving changed from Barometric to GPS. It was found that at the higher speeds being attained more often by competitors that a greater number of results were inaccurate. The barometric devices were affected too much by the airflow around the competitors body at higher speeds.

Through extensive research and testing supported by FAI Skydiving Commission (ISC)Flysight GPS and a few of the speed community (Competitors, judges and organisers) we found that GPS measurement was reliable and accurate enough for the ISC to accept it as a means of Speed measurement and this started a new era of Speed Skydiving.

The Eternal Ranking shows the best Speed Skydiving jump done by an athlete in a competition, regardless if this Personal Best (PB) was set in a international top class event like a World Championship or a lokal competition. What does matter to make it to our ranking list?

Criterias to get listed

  • The PB was set in a competition not in training.
  • Exit Altitude and Speed Accuracy Value according to the FAI Speed Skydiving Competition Rules.
  • Personal Best was assessed by Speed Skydiving rated judge(s), using a FAI/ISC approved Scoring System/Software.
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